The Indian hardware industry is expected to reach a size of USD 62 BILLION by 2010, 12 times its existing size, with the domestic market accounting for USD 37 billion and exports for another USD 25 billion. The factors that would bring such mega growth are:

1. The government has taken aggressive steps in providing quality infrastructure with “Hardware Parks” flexible labor policies, availability of skilled workers, congenial business environment, level playing field, right policies and incentives, concessional import duty, reduction in excise duty, customs, SAD, CVD and sales tax. All these factors will make the market respond positively, economics of scale will come into play and big hardware companies will be attracted to set up local manufacturing units. That would result in high demand of computer hardware and subsequently prices would come down and make it affordable for a general customer.

2. Another major segment is “SCHOOLS & COLLEGES”. According to cll, if 20 PCs are installed in each of the country’s 9, 00,000 schools, the immediate demand would be 18 million, 10 times the current market figure.

3. Increase in the use of IT technologies in the government’s interface with the public has also stimulated the demand for computer hardware.

Migration from the old manual system to computing is taking place in large portion of government –public interaction, especially in providing statutory services such as land records, property transactions, authentication services, dealings of publicly owned utilities, collections of variety of taxes and transportation (Railways, Roadways and Airways etc). it will lead to a phenomenal demand for increase in hardware and would provide a big boost to the sagging national economy.

Central processing unit

There are many vendor of the cpu in the market same of them are
Intel, AMD, VIA/CYRIX, Transumeta / Motorola but the most popular are Intel and AMD Athelon. The X86 CPU architecture invented by Intel is the most popular for desktop computers today all the computers run the windows_9X operating system use X86 CPU

Intel corporation manufactured various kind of CPU’s but in market the most selling CPU we are concerning. P-3 , Celeron and P-4

Celeron processor is a substitution of P-3 having same performance so Celeron is taking place of P-3.

When P-4 came the total architecture is different from P-3.
P-3 has 0.18 micron technology and the P-4 has 0.13 micron technology.

P-4 if focused on multimedia, multitasking, multithreading. This gives batter performance in gaming, internet computing speed.


Name – speed in MHz/cache (KB)/FSB

e.g. --- Intel Pentium 3 –1133/256/100


This is a memory associated with CPU, and often the motherboard. This is a type of memory that’s used to hold a duplicate of a larger store. This is faster than the main memory .By placing the most often accessed data in the cache memory, overall system speed increases.
Type of cache memory.
(1) L1 cache
(2) L2 cache


This is closet to the CPU is the level 1 or L1 since 80486 an L1 cache has been built in to the CPU itself. This cache run at the CPU’s internal speed and so is very fast.

Celeron ---------- L1 cache is 16KB+16KB
Pentium 3 ------- L1 cache is 16KB+16KB
AMD athlon----- L1 cache is 128KB

Since L1 cache is part of the CPU it can’t be expanded or replaced.


A L2 cache is more copious than an L1 cache, but it’s also slower. For CPU after Pentium Processor this is coated on the CPU package.

PENTIUM-3 256-512KB

Placing the L2 cache on the CPU module improves performance relative to putting it on the motherboard largely because the cache can operate at a faster speed.


Modern CPU’S run at two separate speeds: the core speed and the bus speed. The core speed is the no. associate most strongly with the CPU and is the speed at which most of CPU circuitry runs. The bus speed is the speed of interface between CPU and the motherboard. Now a days bus speed range from 66 MHz
To theoretical maximum of 400 MHz for slot A.(Main socket).
In order to set the CPU core speed motherboard includes jumpers or BIOS settings to specify a clock multiplier. The CPU runs its core at the bus speed multiplied by the clock multiplier.
E.g. 113.3MHz bus speed with a 10X clock gives CPU speed 1133 MHz(core speed).


+Vcc supply to CPU is +5v and V core = 1.7 v.

As the CPU speed increases it becomes desirable to reduce the CPU voltage. In order to reduce the heat buildup inside the chips. For cooling a heat sink fan is mounted on the CPU.



ROM-BIOS It is short form for read only memory -basic input output system. The ROM-BIOS is a set of Program built into the computer ROM memory that Provides the most basic, low level and intimate control And supervision operation for the computer.
=>The task of the bios is to take care of the immediate needs of the hardware and to isolate all other programs from the details of how the hardware works.
=>fundamentally the bios is an interface a connection and a Translator between the computer hardware and the software Programs.


There are three main part of the ROM-bios program.

First part:
# This part is used only when the computer is first turned ON; these are Test and Initialization program that check to see that the computer is working. The delay between powering on the computer and The moment when it start working for you is due to running of these test and initialization program which sometimes are Called the POWER ON SELF TEST (POST).

Second part:-
# Important parts of the bios are its routimes.These programs provides the detailed and intimate control of The various part of the computer, particularly for the input/output Peripherals, such as the disk drives.

Third part:
# Rom-bios are the boot strap loader program.

Basic content of bios:
 Standard CMOS feature.
 Advanced bios feature.
 Advanced chipset feature.
 Integrated peripherals.
 Power management setup.
 PnP /PCI configuration.
 Pc health status.
 Frequency/voltage control.
 Load optimized default.
 Set supervisor password.
 Set user password.
 Save & exit setup.
 Exit without saving.

# The time duration between the appearance of the dos prompt or any window and the switch on the power supply the whole process is known as the booting process.


# When we switch off the computer completely and properly after some time we start Computer again is known as the cold booting.

# When we restart the computer from the restart button or using the key by simply pressing them i.e. ctrl+alt+del key is known as warm Booting.

For booting we required minimum three files-
1) ms_dos.sys
2) io.sys
In these files first two files are hidden files and the third one is normal file.


If the CPU is the heart of the system the motherboard is its circulatory system. The CPU has to be fitted on the socket on the Board. The board has input output ports, ram, PCI slots, IDE port, chipset, Power connector, AGP slot, other expansion slots, floppy port.

The key features of the motherboard.
1. Socket
2. memory support
3. expansion slots
4. onboard IDE channels
5. Power supply and Power management
6. chipset
8. Battery
9. Input/output ports.


Hard disk are thin but rigid metal platters covered with a substances
That allows data to be held in the form of magnetized spots. Hard disk are
Tightly sealed within an enclosed hard disk drive unit to prevent any foreign
Matter from getting inside Data may be recorded on both sides of the disk
Platters. These platters are made of either using glass or aluminum.

A head crash happens when the surface of the read write head or particles on its surface come into contact within the surface of the hard disk platter, causing the loss of some or all of the data on the disk.

Both EIDE(enhanced integrated device electronics) and SCSI(small computer System interface) disks suffer from the limit of 1024 cylinder. The difficulty is that the old CHS (cylinder/head/sector) addressing mode uses a 10 bit number can hold a value of between 0 and 1023 , So the number of cylinders accessible by the BIOS is limited to 1024 hard disk performance measurements are-

(1) disk head seek time
(2) data transfer rate
(3) disk’s cache size.

Disk head seek time
Time taken to seek the data by move the head is referred as the seek time. The seek Time measurement that’s most often used is the average seek time, which is

Warnet bisnis mudah

Warnet adalah singkatan dari warung internet. Tempat dimana kita dapat mengkases internet dengan membayar sewa peralatan untuk mengaksesnya. Peralatan WARNET untuk mengakses internet adalah computer. Komputer warnet digunakan sebagai gerbang untuk mengakses informasi ke dunia internet. Jadi, dengan membayar sewa computer kita dapat mengakses internet melalui computer yang telah disediakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari seluruh dunia.

Warung internet atau WARNET dibuat untuk memudahkan masyarakat mengakses internet. Dahulu peralatan dan harga bandwidth yang mahal menghambat masyarakat untuk menikmati teknologi ini. Namun trend WARNET mulai naik ketika masyarakat menyadari arti pentingnya internet untuk mendapatkan segala informasi di sisi belahan dunia manapaun dengan cepat. Tanpa perlu membeli peralatan yang mahal, masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mengakses teknologi ini,yaitu cukup dengan pergi ke warnet.

Perkembangan warnet semakin meroket tajam. Mulai banyak orang yang mengetahui betapa menggiurkannya bisnis warnet ini, seiring dengan bertambahnya pemanfaatan internet. Bayangkan saja, target pasarnya luas. Dari para mahasiswa yang mencari bahan untuk tugas kuliahnya, remaja yang saling berkomunikasi lewat chating, hingga anak-anak yang bermain game online dengan teman-temannya dari seluruh penjuru tanah air bahkan dunia. Di era globalisasi ini internet tidak lagi sebagai kebutuhan pelengkap, namun mutlak menjadi kebutuhan pokok untuk mencapai kemjuan informasi.

Teknologi yang diperlukan untuk mendirikan WARNET tergolong cukup mudah dipelajari dan alat-alatnya pun sudah banyak dijual bebas. Intinya ada dua hal pokok agar warnet bias beroperasi, yaitu computer dan Koneksi internet. Untuk teknologi computer, sudah banyak didirikan kursus-kursus untuk mempelajarinya. Seperti, bagaimana men-setup jaringan, menginstal software computer, hingga menghilangkan virus. Sedangkan untuk memperoleh aliran bandwidth, juga sudah banyak perusahaan yang menyediakan. Tinggal telpon saja, dalam beberapa hari koneksi internet sudah mengalir ke tempat anda, dan warnet siap dijalankan.

Warnet pun semaking booming, dengan maraknya lembaga yang menawarkan pendirian bahkan pengelolaan bisnis ini. Masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mendirikan bisnis warnet tanpa mengetahui teknologinya. Tinggal dipilih lokasi yang tepat kemudian meminta bantuan lembaga tersebut untuk mendirikan warnet atau bahkan mengelolanya dengan kerjasama franchise atau bagi hasil, tergantung kesepakatan. Intinya masyarakat yang ingin mendirikan warnet sudah tidak dipusingkan lagi mengenai operasioanal teknis warnet. Mereka dapat focus untuk berkreasi dengan ide-ide bisnis warnet, supaya warnet tersebut tetap ramai.

Mudah bukan?. Bagi temen-temen yang ingin mendirikan bisnis warnet dan masih banyak waktu untuk belajar, silahkan pelajari teknologinya. Namun bagi yang tidak ada waktu dan ingin focus di bisnisnya, bisa memakai jasa setup warnet. Tinggal Pilih !!!

Keamanan Komputer

Apa itu keamanan computer!!
Keamanan computer adalah tindakan pencegahan dari ancaman yang dapat merusak bahkan menghapus file – file yang ada pada computer.

Sudah amankah Computer anda!!!
Pertanyaan itu mungkin dengan sangat mudah kita jawab “Ya” tanpa meninjau kembali tingkat keamanan computer kita dari berbagai ancaman. Ada beberapa ancaman yang dapat mengganggu keamanan Computer, yaitu sebagai berikut :

1. Ancaman dari gangguan alam ( Natural Disaster Threat )
- Terjadinya banjir
- Gempa Bumi
2. Ancaman Manusia ( Human Threat )
- Human Error, kesilapan
- Pemakaian computer oleh teman yang belum begitu mengerti computer
3. Virus Computer

Untuk menghindari dari beberapa ancaman diatas kita dapat melakukan langkah – langkah berikut ini:

1. Back up data anda kedalam media penyimpanan yang lain
- seperti : cd, dvd, hardisk external, atau flaskdisk
2. Selalu Update Antivirus yang anda gunakan
3. Gunakan Password untuk melakukan Login Computer Anda
- bila perlu tambah user untuk mengakses computer anda ( 1 login user & 1 lagi login
administrator yang diberi password )
4. Protect / kunci folder yang dianggap rahasia
5. Posisi / letak Computer

Cukup sampai disini Tips dari saya, lain kali akan disambung lagi.

Maintenance tasks that improve performance

If your computer seems slower than it used to be, it probably is. Over time, computers get slower because files become disorganized and resources are consumed by unnecessary software. Fortunately,Microsoft Windows XP includes tools to clean up your computer and restore its performance. The five steps in this article will walk you through the use of these tools to tune up your computer.

Before you do anything, back up your computer. Some of the steps in this article can cause pre-existing but hidden problems to surface, which may keep your computer from starting. A backup allows you to restore your important files in the unlikely event that something does go wrong.

1. Remove unused programs

First, remove programs you don't use anymore. Programs take up space on your computer, and some run in the background without your knowledge. Removing programs you don't use can help restore your computer's performance.

2. Install and run antispyware software

Most programs can be removed using the Add or Remove Programs function accessible from Control Panel, but spyware programs are more stubborn. Windows Defender (a free download from Microsoft) or another antispyware program can detect and remove these programs. You should always have an antispyware program installed, because spyware might install itself on your computer without your knowledge. After you install the antispyware program, run it to detect and remove any unwanted programs.

3. Free up wasted space

Removing unused programs is a great way to free up disk space, which will speed up your computer. Another way to find wasted disk space is to use the Disk Cleanup tool.

To run the Disk Cleanup tool


Click Start, and then click My Computer.

Start menu with My Computer selected


Right-click Local Disk, and then click Properties.

Shortcut menu for Local Disk with Properties selected


On the General tab, click the Disk Cleanup button. Disk Cleanup will spend a few minutes examining your disk.

General tab in Local Disk Properties window with Disk Cleanup button selected


The Disk Cleanup dialog box will appear. Select each of the check boxes in the Files to delete list, and then click OK.

Disk Cleanup dialog box


When prompted, click Yes. Disk Cleanup will spend several minutes removing these files, which will provide you with more space.

Dialog box confirming cleanup action

If you have more than one hard disk drive, repeat this process for each hard disk drive listed in My Computer.

4. Defragment your hard disk drive

Sometimes, a newspaper article skips from the front page to somewhere in the middle of the paper. You have to stop reading the article and flip through the paper to find the page on which it continues. You could read the article much faster if it were printed on a single page.

Files on your computer can either be fragmented, like newspaper articles, or unfragmented, like a book. Over time, more and more files become fragmented. When a file is fragmented, it takes longer for the computer to read it because it has to skip to different sections of the hard disk drive—just like it takes you a few seconds to find a page in the middle of a newspaper.

Diagrams showing the difference between unfragmented and fragmented files

Defragmentation improves your computer's performance by reorganizing your files.

While fragmentation looks complicated, it's easy to defragment your computer.

To defragment your computer


Click Start, and then click My Computer.

Start menu with My Computer selected


Right-click Local Disk, and then click Properties.

Local Disk shortcut menu with Properties selected


Click the Tools tab, and then click Defragment Now.

Tools tab with Defragment Now button selected


The Disk Defragmenter appears. Click your hard disk drive, and then click Defragment.

Disk Defragmenter window


Disk Defragmenter will work for at least several minutes, although it might take several hours. When prompted, click Close.

Disk Defragmenter dialog box

If you have more than one hard disk drive, repeat this process for each hard disk drive listed, starting at step 4.

5. Disconnect unused network connections

If you have, or ever have had, a network with more than one computer, you probably found it useful to share files between the computers by mapping a network drive. Mapping network drives allows one computer to read and write files to another computer's hard disk drive as if they were directly connected to each other.

The problem with network drives is that Windows XP will attempt to connect to the network drive when it starts up. If the remote computer does not respond immediately, Windows XP will wait, which will slow down your startup time. Additionally, some programs will attempt to connect to the network drive when you browse for files and folders. If you have ever tried to open a file and had to wait several seconds, it is probably because the program was trying to establish a network connection—even if the file you are opening is on your local computer.

To reduce the problem, disconnect any unused drives


Click Start, and then click My Computer.

Start menu with My Computer selected


On the Tools menu, click Disconnect Network Drive.

Tools menu with Disconnect Network Drive selected


Select the network drives that you no longer need, and then click OK.

Disconnect Network Drives dialog box

Performing the five steps in this article once a month will help you keep your computer running at peak performance.

How Do Computers Work? - A Simple Explanation

 How Do Computers Work? - A Simple Explanation

So how do computers work? For a computer to accomplish any task, it needs three things: Hardware, software, and an input.

Computer Basics

Hardware is the machine itself. Your desktop or your laptop, and any other physical device connected to your computer either to make it work or help it function better. You need the hardware so you have something work on, You cannot perform a task on thin air, you will need something to put and store information into. These are the stuff you usually see on computer parts catalogs on the Internet when you are searching for computer parts online.

Hardware includes your CPU, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. There are countless peripherals that can be added to your PC. There are USB devices like fans, light, and others. Others attachment even enables the user to watch TV on the computer. There are just so many gadgets that you can connect to the computer nowadays.

Software is the program you install on the hardware to make it work. Your laptop is useless if you don’t have any software in it. It is just a piece of plastic and metal with a screen, nothing else. Softwares are developed to make our lives easier. They are designed to help us with a certain problem or area in our life. There are softwares for word processing, video and photo editing and just about anything.

The most basic software you will need to use your computer is the operating system, OS as it is commonly referred to. These programs is needed to boot your pc in its useable stage. After you install your OS, you can then add certain softwares for specific tasks.

And finally, the input. It is the information you enter on the computer. It is commonly the human part of the three factors. It’s the letters we type on the word processor, or the CD we put on the CD-ROM. These are all data or information that is processed by the hardware and software to produce outputs that we want.

So the trinity is complete. That’s basically it. Although there are so many enhancements and programs that are available for use, these three are the only thing needed to make a computer work. Well, of course you need power to turn the computer on.

Java Server PAges (JSP)

Java Server Page (JSP) tecnology is the Java platform tecnology for delivering dynamic content to web client in a portable, secure and well-devined way. The Java Server Pages specification extends the Java servlet API to pravide web application developers with a robust framework for creating dynamic web content on thye server using HTML, and XML templates. and Java code, which secure, fast, and independen of server platform. JSP has been built on top of the Servlet of API and utilizer servlet semantics. JSP has become the preffered request handler and response mechanism. Although JSP tecnology is going to be a powerfull successor to basic servlets, they have an evolutionary relationship and can be used in a coorperative and complementary manner.

Servlet are powerfull and sometimes they are a bit cumbersome when it comes application logic and a lot more cade that handles output formatting. This can make it difficult to separate and reuse portions of the code when a different output format is needed.

There are many JSP tags such as :
1. JSP directive denoted by <%@,
2. Scriplets indicated by <% ... %> tags and

How PCs Work

Wh­en you mention the word "technology," most people think about computers. Virtually every facet of our lives has some computerized component. The appliances in our homes have microprocessors built into them, as do our televisions. Even our cars have computers. But the computer that everyone thinks of first is typically the personalcomputer , or PC.

A PC is a general-purpose tool built around a microprocessor. It has lots of different parts -- including memory, a hard disk, a modem, and more -- that work together. "General purpose" means that you can do many different things with a PC. You can use it to type documents, send e-mail, browse the Internet and play games.

PCs trace their history back to the 1970s, when a man named Ed Roberts began to sell computer kits based on a microprocessor chip designed by Intel. Roberts called his computer the Altair 8800 and sold the unassembled kits for $395. Popular Electronics ran a story about the kid in its January 1975 issue, and to the surprise of just about everyone, the kits became an instant hit and the era of the personal computer began [source: The Computer History Project].

A few years later, the dynamic duo of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak unleashed the Apple II computer on the world. From that point on, the personal computer really began to take off. Other manufacturers followed suit, and soon there were computers from Commodore, Atari and Texas Instruments. Not long after the debut of the Apple II, IBM got into the personal computer game